Booking Segment or Origin Report

Segments and Origins are codes used to help define your guests and groups. These are marketing codes that are located on both the group and individual level that can work together to define your guests and provide you with a meaningful marketing analysis for your property. An Origin code refers to where the business came from (Advertising, Repeat Business, Sales Team, etc). Segment codes are linked to guest or group Types to help define the type (useful if the type category is very broad).

The Booking Segment or Origin Report shows the segment or origin (depending on report option selection) for a specified date range of the bookings made, in Definite, Tentative, and Definite & Tentative categories. The report may be further broken down to display the bookings associated with specific Managers only. This report is used to help track your revenue sources, and enable you to create reasonable expectations for your future business. This report option can be utilized if desired to group MULTIPLE Property information together in a single report, as well as individual Properties in separate reports.

Note: By Segment and By Origin are both available display options in the Group History Report, however the Booking Segment or Origin Report shows information on BOTH individual and group bookings, as well as more details in the selected option categories, including POTENTIAL business with a breakdown of both definite and tentative bookings.

The Booking Segment or Origin Report command is found in the Sales and Catering Area of Skyware.

If your Property does not currently have our Sales and Catering Module and you are interested in adding it, please contact us at



Date Updated February 01, 2022